Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm a Mac Girl.

Microsoft has launched a new ad campaign directly aimed at combatting Macs popular commercial line. Macs' witty advertising has dominated the market for years and Microsoft has now finally come up with a new scheme that is apparently hitting home with many computer users. Microsoft's ads stress an obvious point...Macs cost more than Windows PCs. This idea is emphasized in the following article:

Macs have often been regarded as the sexy, savvy computer for a younger, hipper generation. However, Microsoft's new commercials are playing up the price factor during a time when many people are looking to save in this rough economy. In the commercials, random shoppers seeking to buy new computers are given $1000, cash in hand, to spend however they choose. The catch? If they spend less than the $1000 given to them on their new purchase they get to keep the leftover money completely for themselves. I'll admit, this would be tempting for anyone. But as for me, I am guilty as charged of being one of the younger, hipper members of the Mac family who loves her sexy, savvy MacBook Pro. It hasn't failed me yet and I'm proud to say once I've gone Mac, I don't plan on going back. 


For my VO Patrol I covered an adorable Tennessee couple who has performed folklore all over the world. They were stopping through Columbia, MO on their way from St. Louis to Kansas City and played a free show at the local downtown library. It was my first experience with the different type of cameras but I'm proud to say it wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. The lighting was a bit tricky because the librarian dimmed the lights on me and wouldn't allow me to get any closer than the back row because she didn't want to disturb the audience members. I appreciate her concern and respect for the attendees but I would have liked to get many more creative shots. Oh well. It worked out and I was happy to have been able to cover an upbeat event for my first shift. 

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