Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm Officially Famous!

My friend, George, called me a few weeks back asking me for the contact information for the NBC station I interned for this past summer. He said his parent's had an interesting story they thought would be of course, I gladly put him in touch with the right people and hoped for the best. I never really heard any more from him about the whole issue and had sort of forgotten about it until I received an interesting wall post on facebook a few days back.

Here is a pic, taken Thanksgiving Break 2007, of George and me:

A photographer for the station, WIS News 10 in Columbia, SC, had written to tell me he had covered a story earlier that day about a puppy that was named after me. I was a bit confused but humored at the same time and wrote him back explaining that that puppy must have been the coolest pup on the face of the earth if its name was Eliza! However, he explained later that there was more to the story than what I had originally thought. He literally had covered a story on a puppy who's family had named their dog after me personally, Eliza Murphy! 

George Rushe has been a good friend of mine since middle school. He has a lovely, sweet little family. George's parents had apparently seen a special on Oprah asking people to apply for adopting rescued puppies from a puppy mill in Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Rushe didn't think twice before applying and out of thousands of contestants were chosen to take home not one, but two of the poor little puppies! 

Long story short... the precious little girl puppy is named after me because the Rushe's associate the state of Missouri with me since I am the only Mizzou girl they know. They were also so grateful for me putting them in touch with the news station to get their amazing story on air, therefore, they decided "Eliza" would be the best fit for the family's new addition.  I am obviously so flattered by all of this and wanted to share the video with y'all :)

So there ya have it! It's kind of a weird thought to know if that pup ends up doing something naughty they'll be yelling my name...haha. Just food for thought. I'll be sure to ask George if she's behaving like a nice little lady. 

I have found a nifty new website that has been helping me come up with some intriguing story ideas. I haven't been able to use any of them yet because they are involving events happening in the near future but hopefully I'll be earning some of those lovely little "Shoney's Factor" points. I don't want to reveal my source just yet because I still have a few ideas up my sleeve. You know me...always thinkin'! 

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