Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Broadcasted Break-Ups

Rolling Stone recently came out with an article emphasizing several TV couples whose relationships had ended because their lives were broadcasted on reality TV. I'm not sure I buy into that being the only reason their relationships ended...maybe it's because showbiz relationships often fail. More often than not, unfortunately. I can't speak from personal experience but I'd assume that the only thing they have the most in common is being represented in the limelight, and being able to do it together is easier on the couple. I think it's nonsense. If you're not secure enough to be in a relationship that can handle television, you're not secure enough to be in that relationship at all. Here a link to the actual article: 


I told you previously that I've completed my first reporting shift! Now that I've actually downloaded the right program to be able to view them on my computer I am able to post the link right here. Enjoy!

Travis's Tragedy...

Back in September 2008, Travis Barker of the popular band, Blink-182, was involved in a tragic and fatal plane crash. This happened during the first semester of my Junior year when my broadcast class was Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8am...therefore, I had the Today Show on as I do every morning getting ready for class. Usually I just listen to the news as background noise while I'm getting ready and learn what's going on in the world, but this day was different.

Travis Barker had been performing  in my hometown, Columbia, South Carolina, in a very popular downtown area called 5 Points. To those of you familiar with Mizzou, 5 Points would be the equivalent of condensing "The District" into a smaller section and having all five major streets come together at a point with a big, beautiful fountain marking their convergence. Right behind where my Mom and I are standing in this picture is where their stage was set up to play for a full crowd. 

Anyway, Barker had been performing a show along with the popular Gavin DeGraw and was boarding his flight from the Columbia Metropolitan Airport to make his way home after the performance. The flight had not even made it off the runway before crashing. The actual cause of the crash remains unknown, but it is believed the tire blew as they were attempting take-off. Sadly, four people died on the flight, leaving only Barker and close friend, Adam Goldstein (DJ AM) as survivors. Below is a link to MTV's coverage of the event:

Granted Columbia, South Carolina's airport is larger than Columbia, Missouri's "International" airport, however it is still very unusual for such high profile people to be traveling in and out of it, let alone being involved in such a tragic accident. The second I heard the news that morning I contacted friends of mine that worked at my station (WIS) to see if they knew any more information. Reporters from WIS were going live throughout the day from the scene for nationwide coverage. I'll admit, it was entertaining to see these people I had worked with streaming live for CNN and MSNBC, although I would have obviously hoped for it to be under different circumstances. Here is a link to the story from WIS News 10:

I believe Barker has made a full recovery since this awful occurrence. 


I am happy to say I have completed my first KOMU reporting shift! It was a nice, easy story to be broken into the new workings of the cameras and editing equipment. Central Dairy is a locally owned business that has stocked Wal-Mart's shelves with their products since Wal-Mart opened their doors. Now however, Wal-Mart has made the decision to remove Central Dairy's ice cream line from their stores claiming the local product does not stack up against its national competitors. Central Dairy shoppers are upset about this decision and hope it does not last long. I got to visit the adorable ice cream parlor, established in 1933, in downtown Jefferson City. Everyone was very friendly and willing to talk to me about their favorite ice cream. Many shoppers believe Wal-Mart's decision to put a freeze on the product was not in their best interest. 

I'm Officially Famous!

My friend, George, called me a few weeks back asking me for the contact information for the NBC station I interned for this past summer. He said his parent's had an interesting story they thought would be of course, I gladly put him in touch with the right people and hoped for the best. I never really heard any more from him about the whole issue and had sort of forgotten about it until I received an interesting wall post on facebook a few days back.

Here is a pic, taken Thanksgiving Break 2007, of George and me:

A photographer for the station, WIS News 10 in Columbia, SC, had written to tell me he had covered a story earlier that day about a puppy that was named after me. I was a bit confused but humored at the same time and wrote him back explaining that that puppy must have been the coolest pup on the face of the earth if its name was Eliza! However, he explained later that there was more to the story than what I had originally thought. He literally had covered a story on a puppy who's family had named their dog after me personally, Eliza Murphy! 

George Rushe has been a good friend of mine since middle school. He has a lovely, sweet little family. George's parents had apparently seen a special on Oprah asking people to apply for adopting rescued puppies from a puppy mill in Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Rushe didn't think twice before applying and out of thousands of contestants were chosen to take home not one, but two of the poor little puppies! 

Long story short... the precious little girl puppy is named after me because the Rushe's associate the state of Missouri with me since I am the only Mizzou girl they know. They were also so grateful for me putting them in touch with the news station to get their amazing story on air, therefore, they decided "Eliza" would be the best fit for the family's new addition.  I am obviously so flattered by all of this and wanted to share the video with y'all :)

So there ya have it! It's kind of a weird thought to know if that pup ends up doing something naughty they'll be yelling my name...haha. Just food for thought. I'll be sure to ask George if she's behaving like a nice little lady. 

I have found a nifty new website that has been helping me come up with some intriguing story ideas. I haven't been able to use any of them yet because they are involving events happening in the near future but hopefully I'll be earning some of those lovely little "Shoney's Factor" points. I don't want to reveal my source just yet because I still have a few ideas up my sleeve. You know me...always thinkin'! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm a Mac Girl.

Microsoft has launched a new ad campaign directly aimed at combatting Macs popular commercial line. Macs' witty advertising has dominated the market for years and Microsoft has now finally come up with a new scheme that is apparently hitting home with many computer users. Microsoft's ads stress an obvious point...Macs cost more than Windows PCs. This idea is emphasized in the following article:

Macs have often been regarded as the sexy, savvy computer for a younger, hipper generation. However, Microsoft's new commercials are playing up the price factor during a time when many people are looking to save in this rough economy. In the commercials, random shoppers seeking to buy new computers are given $1000, cash in hand, to spend however they choose. The catch? If they spend less than the $1000 given to them on their new purchase they get to keep the leftover money completely for themselves. I'll admit, this would be tempting for anyone. But as for me, I am guilty as charged of being one of the younger, hipper members of the Mac family who loves her sexy, savvy MacBook Pro. It hasn't failed me yet and I'm proud to say once I've gone Mac, I don't plan on going back. 


For my VO Patrol I covered an adorable Tennessee couple who has performed folklore all over the world. They were stopping through Columbia, MO on their way from St. Louis to Kansas City and played a free show at the local downtown library. It was my first experience with the different type of cameras but I'm proud to say it wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. The lighting was a bit tricky because the librarian dimmed the lights on me and wouldn't allow me to get any closer than the back row because she didn't want to disturb the audience members. I appreciate her concern and respect for the attendees but I would have liked to get many more creative shots. Oh well. It worked out and I was happy to have been able to cover an upbeat event for my first shift. 

Thursday, April 9, 2009


This photo of Justin Safford, two of my best friends (Kelli and Cassie), Matt Lawrence and me was taken before Missouri's basketball team was anything to rave about. Who would've known we were going to get so good this basketball season?? I'm definitely not complaining, just am a little shocked at the vast improvement we managed to pull off recently. I happen to be a pretty big fan of basketball, therefore this season has proven to be quite exciting as I cheer on my tigers. I am pleased to say I am not a "fair-weather" fan, as I have supported my boys since day one. I am good friends with several of the players and managers which makes this new success even more fun to follow. 

Since I've known them prior to their amazing season, I can vouch for these boys in that they are genuine, down-to-earth and truly enjoy the game for the game...rather than other petty factors often influencing athletes these days. Although close with the teammates, I know little about their personal family lives since we've only just met in college. Therefore, it is very refreshing to read articles like the one below providing background to where these boys come from and why the game means so much to them. 

Prior to reading this article, I had no idea about Matt's sister's autism or that his mother was a member of Delta Gamma. As an active member of Delta Gamma myself, I'll make it a point to ask him why he's never mentioned this to me before. More than anything, I was touched by this article's sincerity. It's always nice to read positive aspects about players and have proof that good things really do happen to good people. 


I have not yet started my shifts at the station but look forward to tackling them soon. Meanwhile, I've been keeping extremely busy researching potential internships in New York this summer. I am participating in Missouri's New York Internship Program and could not be more excited to earn class credit doing what I love in the nation's top media market. I have written more cover letters than I care to mention because I want them to obviously leave a good impression. I'll be updating soon with my progress.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

U2 Visits the University!

U2 visited Fordham University on March 6 and successfully rocked the house! My best friend attends Fordham as did my father. They were both pretty excited about the occasion. My friend, Erin, says classes were cancelled since they knew no professor could compete with Bono in entertainment value. Good Morning America covered the event. I am so jealous I wasn't there to witness the show in person. Below is a link of the coverage from the days craziness:


As of now, I have been cleared for KOMU...and passed my edit test! I wasn't too terribly worried about that factor, but it definitely is nice to have one less thing to worry about. I'll be emailing Stacey soon to request my VO Patrol and Reporting Shifts, just want to enjoy the rest and relaxation of Spring Break while I can. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

When Hell (or Heaven) Freezes Over

I had the pleasure of going on the Memphis trip with RTNDA. Naturally, we were all very excited to leave the arctic tundra-like climates in Missouri for the warm, sunny South. I honestly believe I may have been the most eager to head for warmer weather since I've yet to get used to Mizzou's miserable winter weather. 

Little did we know, the less than desirable temperatures would follow us almost as if it were a part of the KOMU vehicle caravan directly down the interstate. When I think Memphis I think blues, BBQ, and Elvis. Ahhh.....and of course, the infamous Beale Street. I DO NOThowever, think snow. Not even just simple, pretty, fluffy snow. BLIZZARD. Blizzard is definitely a more appropriate term for what we experienced throughout our trip. As we stopped along the way to fill our tummies and our gas tanks, we witnessed this:

After grubbing our finger lickin' good Popeyes chicken, we made the final trek across the Tennessee border and proceeded to enter what I now consider (despite the horrendous snow) heaven on earth. I AM OBSESSED WITH MEMPHIS. But that is another story in and of itself. I know the view entering Memphis while crossing the river is considered stunning by most, however us RTNDA'ers would never know this upon our arrival. Instead of river-front property and the awesome pyramid dome that glistens in the sunshine, we saw this:

The snow continued to fall in mass amounts the entire weekend which made maneuvering from station to station, in four inch pumps and head-to-toe professional attire - might I add, just a tad bit difficult. 

Naturally, this weather is unusual for Tennessee. We were reminded of this by every weather forecast we heard on our trip. The second we left to head back to Columbia, the sun was supposed to come out and temperatures rise back up to the mid 70s. Oh well. Again, ya win some...ya lose some.

Here is a link to the actual coverage of the freak weather, as pictured by Greeley Kyle's former station, WMC, Action News 5:


As for this week's story progression...

...drum roll please...

I'VE BEEN CLEARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be completely honest, I think I'll take a little a little break from reporting news for a bit. Not because I don't love it, just because I am a tiny bit sleep deprived. My pillow misses me dearly. 

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Booze and Boobs

Apparently a study of almost 1.3 million women indicates average alcohol consumption increases cancer risks in women.

Breast cancer was most closely focused upon. The study indicates with each extra drink consumed per day, breast cancer risks are heightened. 

This week I took advantage of the event opportunity and covered the annual Gospel Explosion and Soul Food Feast. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bad Boys, Bad Boys...What Ya Gonna Do?!

I'll admit, I couldn't care less if Michael Phelps smokes pot or not. 

He is an Olympic gold athlete that has already set records, made the history books and become a household name by the ripe age of 23. I'd say his accomplishments thus far in life overwhelmingly exceed this one immature decision. If Phelps's fans and supporters are going to turn their backs on him because of one published photo displaying him in a less than honorable light, then I believe it's their loss. To hold celebrities in such high stature virtually begs for disappointment.


 I'd bet there is not a soul on this planet that hasn't made a mistake throughout their lifetime and later regretted it. Phelps hit a bong (or so the picture would seem). Phelps has apologized. Not that this excuses his poor behavior, but Phelps has also won eight Olympic gold medals in the Beijing games alone. Have you done that? No. Have I done that? No. Has anyone EVER done that? No. Give the boy a break. I'd say he's earned the right to a little recreational down time. Maybe he shouldn't have chosen to break the law but maybe Sheriff Leon Lott shouldn't have sent a dozen deputies to act upon a minor possession charge. 

That being said...

I can vouch for the fact that I have never before heard of anyone being investigated so heavily in Columbia, South Carolina for a simple possession charge. Yep, that's right. My hometown is making headlines again. 

Embarrassingly enough, in my attempt to avoid this news coverage like the plague, I had completely missed the fact that Phelps was actually caught on camera in a home only several blocks from where I grew up. I grew up on the now infamous Blossom Street. I have met and quite admire Sheriff Lott, as does the rest of the city. Coincidentally Joe McCulloch, one of the attorney's representing another client in the case, is good friends with my parents. 

But most significantly (at least for me), is the fact that Dick Harpootlian, my former employer and best friend's father, is an attorney on the case in staunch opposition with Sheriff Lott and his harsh endeavors against Phelps. This particular point shocked me since Lott and Harpootlian are actually close friends and often work together. Throughout my time working for Harpootlian, Lott would be in our office for both business and friendly visits. I look forward to seeing how the charges brought against Phelps will pan out. Not because I am worried at all for Phelps's sake but solely because Harpootlian always makes for entertaining news coverage. 

Posted below is the link to a Good Morning America interview with Harpootlian and McCulloch regarding the Phelps case. At one point in the story you'll see them standing in the exact spot that the above picture was taken of Pat Sharpe and me. Pat and I were (well, he still currently is) Harpootlian's couriers. Hands down one of the best jobs ever. 

Harpootlian is interviewed in the story where I spent most of my time filing in the conference room. I hope this isn't considered an example of me "riding the tricycle"... 

I'd like to consider it more as an opportunity of truly localizing a national headline. 


My story progress is clearly another issue. Honestly, I still have to write the web version tonight but I have so much more fun with the blog that I wanted to tackle it first. Really get those creative juices flowin', ya know? 

My story this week explains the influx in auto repair sales since less people are buying new cars and instead fixing the ones they already own. My sources were very cooperative and friendly, however nothing is going to be as exciting as meeting Bob and learning about increased gun sales. You may think I'm being sarcastic but I kid you not, shooting my first gun was an awesome experience. Bob and Tristan were the nicest little gun salesmen ever. When I was done interviewing I thought they were kidding when they asked if I wanted to try shooting a bit. Low and behold, they were serious. I'm actually going to brag a bit and say that I really am a good shot. I got to keep my outlined-man paper target thing as a souvenir and I couldn't be more proud. If this whole journalism thing fails, I think I've found my calling. It's safe to say Bob definitely spoiled me and set the standards very high for all my other sources. 

Mike and Tim at Perry Chevrolet were very nice as well. I suppose I am just biased because it's not like they could give me a convertible to drive as an equivalent to my target shooting experience. Oh well, ya win some...ya lose some. 

Seeing as how it is already one 'clock in the morning and I still have a web version to write and more story ideas to investigate I better call it a night on mister blogster. You'll probably begin to notice that all of my posts occur very late (or early), depending on which way you look at it. I think it's quite possible that I have a bit of insomnia but that's a whole a whole 'nother story that I'll save for another day. Craig's List and all of its random people, places and story ideas awaits...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Nation... In A Nutshell.

I originally heard about this NY Times piece through a friend of mine, the photographer for the story.  Brett, wherever in the world you and your camera are now, thank you! 

Apparently the economic shifts of Columbia, South Carolina parallels closest to the economic shifts of the country, as a whole. 

But how could a place this beautiful... such a complete disaster?

Born and raised in Columbia, South Carolina...aka "Cola," much like our beloved (sort of.) little "CoMo," you can understand my excitement to read anything the Times had to say about it. Columbia, SC is my heart, my home, my safe haven. It was extremely discouraging to read about these men and women's personal struggles for financial security because to me, these people were much more than a name. The places described and experiences shared are all ones of which I am far too familiar. They say bad news travels somehow always manages to find me at Mizzou despite being a 13 hour car ride away. Gotta love technology. But seriously, I really am getting tired of the phone calls reporting another friend's parent having been layed off or buddies of mine not returning to school this semester so they can devote more time to simply making money. It's disheartening. Truly. 

My mom called me the other day after she was perusing the isles of Stein Mart for last minute birthday gifts. She told me about this woman, an employee, that was helping women in the dressing room and explaining she was only doing this to make ends meet. She had been forced to take early retirement from a job she didn't mention and even now was having her Stein Mart hours slashed in half because of the economy. 

If Columbia, SC really is a microcosm of the country, then the country is in BIG trouble. if we didn't already know that. 


As for my personal news gathering process, I've come up with a technique that is quite entertaining and really does lead me to some great stories. I'm apprehensive to even say what it is because everyone is going to steal my idea and nab the good ones first...but ok. I'll share.


I could be on that site for hours upon hours anyway, so why not be looking for potential stories? Much like the phone book technique of just making random phone calls, I scan the random listings for anyone and anything that sounds interesting. And believe me,  CoMo provides plenty of unique material! I always enjoy the search for a story. It's like winning a bet when you know you've landed a good one. I love the idea of reporting. Getting to meet so many interesting characters with amazing stories to tell never gets boring. Everything is great...until I get back to the lab. Walking into that room is like walking into a black hole. Hours pass in the blink of an eye and yet, there I am, still editing the SAME PACKAGE. I guess it can only get better from here. If not, don't tell me. I'm trying to remain optimistic for as long as possible.